Button, Button

Button, Button
Who's Got the Button

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

You Had Me At Garage Sale

Hello to all of my "Button Peeps." I hope your summer has been a very creative one. I wanted to share with you my most recent button finds. It is rare for me to find vintage buttons at garage sales. Most ladies keep there button tin hidden in a vault, behind a secret wall, with security camera's. I must say, the"Button God's" were in my corner on two sales I stopped at on a whim.
After removing the cloth and string attached to the buttons. I use Dawn dish soap and warm water and hand wash in a colander and dry with paper towels. Although the old musty smells are gone, the end result is beautiful. Sometimes I can hear a faint button voice say;" Thank you for making me pretty again."
My button ideas continue to flow. I have accumulated so many smaller buttons I needed
to come up with a new way to display and sell them. I have been finding little jars and salt and pepper shakers at garage sales. Also, I found little cute mason jar replicas at Michael's Craft Store.
Next thought, add lace and rip rap to complete the vintage look. My color options are endless and by laying three colors to each jar. I can also use up tons of white buttons.
So now that you have seen what I have been up to, try creating a few jars for yourself or for gifts.
MOP sea shells

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Cobweb Antique Store in Ely Minnesota

Have you ever visited Ely Minnesota? If not, and you love being up in  northern Minnesota, add it to your bucket list. My Aunt Bernice and Uncle Jerry Bibeau lived in Ely . Uncle Jerry was the Mayor of Ely for several terms and owned the Ely Barber Shop before he died. Last Fall my husband and I went to Ely for fall colors and to visit my cousin Rich and his wife Anne.She told me about a cute antique shop in town called Cobweb Antiques. Joann Biebl was the original owner of the Cobweb for 41 years. When Joann passed away in 2012, her daughter Glenda Harbough continued to keep the store open in the summer and Fall only. I spent a great deal of time getting to know Glenda. She told me the entire history of the Cobweb and even took me out back to show me more.

 Cobweb Antiques

Button Heaven
 When I first walked in to the Cobweb is was a definite feeling of going back in time. The place was packed from ceiling to floor and my mission were buttons.
I asked Glenda if she had any buttons for sale. She said just a minute as she opened an old closet door and came back with two tins of buttons.
OMG, my eyes got as big as saucers. They used to be her mom's buttons, she collected then over the years. But Glenda really had no use for them. They were the most beautiful, old buttons I had ever seen.
Welcome to Ely Minnesota
 Not only did I purchase them for a reasonable price, but I met a wonder women who shared her families story with me.

Places I would recommend to eat for breakfast is Britton's Cafe and for supper, The Ely Steakhouse.

Best Breakfast Ever

Cousin Richard and me